Ether Rain Making

May 24, 2017 Robot of Albion 0

Trevor Constable explains the secret behind Wilhelm Reich’s discovery of Ether which he called Orgone.  This video shows what the US Navy did with Riech’s […]

Etherical Ether

May 21, 2017 Kimmy of Albion 0

The Ether also known as Prana, Chi, Orgone , Zero-point and many other names The Ether is all around us, it is an energy that flows through […]

Ether and Science

May 26, 2017 Robot of Albion 0

Modern science denies the existence of the Ether  From Wikipedia The Michelson–Morley experiment was a scientific experiment to find the presence and properties of a substance […]

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May 19, 2017 Robot of Albion 0

Dr Pollock Structured Water Part 1 Dr Pollock Structured Water Part 2 The Orgone Accumulator Handbook.pdf

Shungite Stones

May 18, 2017 Kimmy of Albion 0

Shungite is a unique ancient mineral Which is extracted in the world’s only shungite deposit Located in the Russian Karelia. It has no equivalents in […]

The Resin

May 18, 2017 Kimmy of Albion 0

The Resin This is similar to the common resin used for boats and on roofs but it is a higher grade because it is water clear. It […]